LRAD and CONNECT help law enforcement address unrest – safely and securely. Learn more.

Be Heard and
Clearly Understood

LRAD systems are in service in more than 100 countries and 500 U.S. cities in diverse applications, including Public Safety, Law Enforcement, Defense, Border and Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Fire Rescue, Emergency Management, Maritime and Port Security, and Wildlife Control and Preservation.

  • Defense
  • Law Enforcement
  • Fire & Rescue
  • Border Security
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Maritime Safety


Today’s military forces are required to support the full spectrum of missions from combat and counterinsurgency to disaster response and humanitarian assistance. Regardless of the assigned mission, clear communication and scalable escalation of force (EOF) are critical to success.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

LRAD is law enforcement’s communication systems of choice throughout the world, including in more than 500 U.S. cities. LRAD systems are fundamentally changing the way law enforcement agencies conduct everyday duties and elevated risk operations to protect the public and safeguard police officers.

Fire & Rescue

Fire & Rescue

When Fire Rescue teams need to communicate critical information to individuals or groups in harm’s way, LRAD systems broadcast real-time messages with exceptional vocal clarity from close range out to 2,000 meters.

Border Security

Border Security

Throughout the world, border security agencies are deploying LRAD systems to enhance their ability to safely secure borders, conduct special operations, facilitate search and rescue missions, and interdict and prevent acts of terrorism, human trafficking and drug smuggling.

Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure

Throughout the world, LRAD systems are enhancing security at power plants, dams, embassies, government facilities, water treatment plants and other critical infrastructure. Most systems with cameras, thermal imaging, motion detectors and other sensors only watch.

Maritime Safety

Maritime Safety

Broadcasting highly intelligible voice communications and warning tones with focused acoustic output, LRAD systems determine the intent of vessels not responding to radio calls and enlarge vessel standoff zones beyond 3,000 meters.

“My team is facilitating Operation Ice Camp in the Arctic Ocean, and we have been testing the capacity of our LRAD system.  We have been operating the system in -71 degree weather without any complications.  Congratulations to Genasys on developing an amazing piece of real-world functional equipment.”Read More on Operation Ice Camp